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Addiction & Recovery

The Southampton Town Board voted in July 2018 to create the Opioid Addiction and Recovery Committee to replace the 42 member Opioid Addiction Task Force that was formed in October of 2017 to address the Opioid Crisis.  The Task Force was assigned to come up with recommendations to the Town Board on solutions to the problem.  That Draft Report was presented at a Work Session in June 2018.  The Opioid Addiction and Recovery Committee will now work with the Town Board to help implement some of the recommendations.  The Opioid Addiction and Recovery Committee is comprised of 16 members of the community as follows: 6 health care professionals 2 Youth Service professionals 1 educator 1 community representative 1 representative from Narcotics Anonymous 2 family members of victims 1 law enforcement representatives 1 clergy member 1 high school student or recent graduate.  

2018 Slides A.jpg

2024 - Town of Southampton  Addiction and Recovery/Behavioral Health Committee

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